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Children of Divorce Often Embrace The Abuse They See

Children of Divorce Often Embrace The Abuse They See

By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC When children are exposed to domestic violence in the home, they often mimic the behavior they see or experience. This means the boys often grow up to become abusers, and the girls grow up to marry them. Most mental health experts who work...

The Pros and Cons of Prenups

The Pros and Cons of Prenups

Marriage is a beautiful and romantic experience where two people come together, but it is also, functionally, a legal agreement. No one should enter marriage lightly, and though it might “ruin the mood,” both parties should prepare for the worst-case scenario. This...

How Attachment Style Determines Your Choices in a Partner

How Attachment Style Determines Your Choices in a Partner

By Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT Your attachment style and degree of individuation determine your partnership choices and relationship satisfaction. The process of individuation—becoming an individual—allows you to meet your needs for both attachment and autonomy necessary...

5 Healthy Ways to Fill the Void After Divorce

5 Healthy Ways to Fill the Void After Divorce

By Lisa Arends From the chilled and vacant bed to the endless evening hours to the loss of a trusted confidant, the void left in your life after divorce can be both vast and agonizing. The emptiness begs to be filled, the cracks call for smoothing over and you try to...

6 Ways to Stop Being Defensive with Your Partner

6 Ways to Stop Being Defensive with Your Partner

By Terry Gaspard MSW, LICSW During tough conversations, it’s helpful to choose battles wisely and to distinguish between petty issues and important ones. Many experts agree that bickering can lead to the demise of a relationship. It’s like chronic warfare that erodes...

8 Ways to Deal with Flooding and Manage Conflict with Your Partner 

8 Ways to Deal with Flooding and Manage Conflict with Your Partner 

By Terry Gaspard MSW, LICSW Many of the couples I counsel find that they fall into cyclical and unhealthy patterns when conflict arises. Fights occur and reoccur that concern the same issues, and often play out in the same ways, with this unfortunate dynamic causing...

Divorce Warning Signs – Taking An Honest Look Back

Divorce Warning Signs – Taking An Honest Look Back

By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC From time to time when talking to clients they tell me they were caught off guard by their divorce. Some even proclaim their spouses left them “one day, without any warning!” I usually respond by asking: is that actually true? Was there really...

How to Leave a Narcissist or Abuser

How to Leave a Narcissist or Abuser

When we fall in love, it’s natural to become attached and form a romantic bond. But once in love with a narcissist, it’s not easy to leave, despite the abuse. Although you're unhappy, you may be ambivalent about leaving because you still love your partner, have young...

7 Steps to Forgiving Your Ex Once and For All

7 Steps to Forgiving Your Ex Once and For All

By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Forgiving others and yourself is infinitely terrifying yet necessary for achieving healthy relationships. It’s about being willing to acknowledge that you are capable of being wounded and able to risk exposing yourself. It also means that...

6 Ways To Conquer Your Single Parent Dating Challenges!

6 Ways To Conquer Your Single Parent Dating Challenges!

By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Dating as a single parent comes with its own set of challenges. Because you’re a parent you must never forget the child in your life, much as you may want to when out in the dating world. Parenting is a life-long responsibility. It doesn’t...

moving past divorce interview series

Daughters of Divorce
Chapter Excerpts

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