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Make Parent-Child Communication A Top Priority After Divorce

Make Parent-Child Communication A Top Priority After Divorce

By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC It’s no secret. One of the biggest challenges a parent faces after divorce is having healthy communication with your children. All parents struggle with communication issues as their children grow. However, children who have had their lives...

Children & Divorce: A Family Approach to Discussing Divorce

Children & Divorce: A Family Approach to Discussing Divorce

Your family is experiencing a transition. Divorce is difficult for everyone—parents, children, everyone is affected by the change. It’s new, and it can be scary. There are steps to be taken to make sure that the process is as smooth and painless as possible, and that...

Resolving Issues After Divorce Through Mediation

Resolving Issues After Divorce Through Mediation

Once a divorce is over, one of the many feelings a person feels is relief that the long, difficult and emotional process is finished. However, even long after a divorce is finalized, circumstances can still come up that require you and your spouse to revisit the terms...

5 Ways Your Belief in a Soul Mate is Holding You Back

5 Ways Your Belief in a Soul Mate is Holding You Back

By Lisa Arends I’ve never been one to believe in soul mates. Even when my 22-year-old self said “I do” to the man I thought was perfect for me, I didn’t perceive him as “the one.” And that idea may have saved me. Because when the man-who-wasn’t-the-one decided to...

Divorced? Badmouthing Your Ex Is Bad For Your Children

Divorced? Badmouthing Your Ex Is Bad For Your Children

By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC We all do it from time to time. Make a sarcastic comment about our ex, criticize something they did or didn’t do, gesture or grimace our faces when referring to our former spouse. When we do it in front of, near or within hearing distance of...

Will My Marriage Survive COVID-19?

Will My Marriage Survive COVID-19?

If you are asking yourself this question, you need to know you are not alone.  Our families in the United States did not ring in the new year prepared for the total upheaval our lives would take so quickly beginning as early as February 2020.  When Coronavirus arrived...

How To Be Happy Again After Divorce

How To Be Happy Again After Divorce

Whenever you go through a difficult life situation like divorce it’s tempting to seek out short-term pleasure as a way to dull the pain. As emotions run high, quick-fix answers like drinking or one night stands can lead to a temporary amelioration of the hurt you’re...

Mother’s Day Reflections: 7 Lessons Learned from My Divorce

Mother’s Day Reflections: 7 Lessons Learned from My Divorce

By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Mother’s Day is a perfect time to reflect on how my divorce changed my relationship with my daughter. When I was a young teenager, I used to make lists of the things that I would teach a daughter – if I was lucky enough to have one. Since...

How to Detach and Let Go with Love

How to Detach and Let Go with Love

Although it’s painful to see our loved ones be self-destructive, detaching allows us to enjoy our life despite another person’s problems and behavior. Attachment and caring are normal. It’s healthy to get attached to someone we love and care about, but codependent...

7 Ways to Cultivate Love in Your Life

7 Ways to Cultivate Love in Your Life

Most of us seek someone to love or to love us. We don’t think about cultivating self-love or realize that love originates within. You may be seeking a relationship, but research suggests that singles are actually happier than married people, with the exception of...

moving past divorce interview series

Daughters of Divorce
Chapter Excerpts

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