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Conquering Coronavirus Fears In Your Kids: 4 Things To Know And Do!

Conquering Coronavirus Fears In Your Kids: 4 Things To Know And Do!

By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Talking to your kids about the Coronavirus is certainly one of the most difficult conversations you’ll ever have. Equally significant, it’s a topic that you’ll likely be addressing for some time to come. Stop and think about it. We’re...

7 Tips to Fall Back in Love with Your Partner

7 Tips to Fall Back in Love with Your Partner

By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW The most common complaint of couples today is that they have fallen out of love. However, falling out of love usually does not occur overnight. Likewise, relationship repair takes time and effort on the part of both partners and includes...

Refuse to Be a Victim After Your Divorce

Refuse to Be a Victim After Your Divorce

By Lisa Arends “Let me introduce you to the victim advocate,” offered the policeman who had arrested my husband the day before. I stopped short. That was the first time that word – victim – had ever been applied to me. I certainly felt victimized. My partner of...

Valentine’s Day Traps – 6 Tips to Avoid Them

Valentine’s Day Traps – 6 Tips to Avoid Them

By Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT Valentine’s Day is fraught with landmines and expectations, often unrealized, and whether you’re in or out of a relationship, the grass isn’t always greener. Is your situation described here? Read six tips to having a great holiday. You’re...

5 Ways to Deal With Feelings of Guilt and Rejection Post-Divorce

5 Ways to Deal With Feelings of Guilt and Rejection Post-Divorce

By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW When a marriage dissolves, it’s a natural to experience feelings of guilt or rejection. Guilt can arise when a parent feels responsible for bringing pain to their children or for their behavior toward their ex-spouse. On the other hand,...

How Do I Repair My Wound With My Father?

How Do I Repair My Wound With My Father?

By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Dear Terry, My parents divorced when I was nine years old. When I was young, I was Daddy’s Little Girl, and never far from his side. I have fond memories of my dad taking me to the park, helping me with homework, and coming to my soccer...

Don’t Let Fear of Commitment Stop You From Achieving Lasting Love

Don’t Let Fear of Commitment Stop You From Achieving Lasting Love

Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Do you fear that if you tie the knot, your marriage will end in divorce like many others? It’s not uncommon for people to experience anxiety about making a commitment because most of us were either raised in a divorced home or know someone...

8 Key Ways We Sabotage Love

8 Key Ways We Sabotage Love

Although we seek love, we may unwittingly damage or derail it. Surprisingly, our fear of not being loved, which includes fear of abandonment, loneliness, and rejection, can lead to eight common behaviors that sabotage love and relationships. When we lack self-love,...

Surefire Ways Stepfamilies Can Navigate Holiday Stress

Surefire Ways Stepfamilies Can Navigate Holiday Stress

By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC It’s no secret that the holiday season can be difficult for families following a divorce. However, this stress is readily compounded when divorced parents decide to blend families through a new marriage. Stepfamilies are particularly prone to...

moving past divorce interview series

Daughters of Divorce
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