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6 Tips To Rebuild Love After An Emotional Affair
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW The cornerstone of a successful intimate relationship is trust – and betrayal can capsize a couple’s sense of safety and security in no time. The media tends to portray betrayals as physical affairs; whereas an emotional affair can have...

Being Alone During the Holidays Can Be Tough For Divorced Parents
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC One of the saddest consequences of divorce for parents is the alone-time when your children are visiting their other parent. While short-term periods when the kids are away can be a welcome respite for an overscheduled single parent, for other...

Insurance Issues to Consider After Divorce
Beyond the heartbreak and turmoil synonymous with divorce, there are so many pragmatic issues to be concerned with. One of the most important often doesn’t come to mind until months after the papers have been filed. Insurance issues can arise during any life event,...

Does Falling Out of Love Mean The End Of Your Marriage?
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW The most common complaint of couples today is that they have fallen out of love. However, falling out of love usually does not occur overnight. Likewise, relationship repair takes time and effort on the part of both partners and includes...

7 Ways To Let Go of Someone Who Treats You Badly
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Letting go of toxic relationships is never easy. Yet with self-awareness and tools, you can begin to value yourself enough to set better boundaries with a partner. It is possible to end a romantic relationship that is self-defeating,...

When Children of Divorce Act Out – Caring Parents Step Up!
By Rosalind Sedacca CDC Divorce, like life, is rarely neat and packaged. This is especially true for divorcing parents. The reality of divorce comes with unexpected twists, constant frustrations and times of utter helplessness when children act up or pull away. Here...

7 Steps to Balance Financial Inequality Between Co-Parents
By Lisa Brick During the early stages of separation a fear many of our clients voice is that their children will prefer being with their more affluent parent because of his/her superior financial capabilities. While it is true that the more affluent parent, either by...

Co-Parenting with Someone Who is Narcissistic or Challenging
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW At its best, co-parenting is a wonderful opportunity for children of divorce to have close to equal access to both parents – to feel it is okay to love both of their parents. Experts agree that the outcomes for children of divorce improve...

The Art of Setting Smart Goals: Staying Motivated
By Tara Eisenhard In my last article, I wrote about goals: reasons to have goals and the kinds of goals you might want to set to help you move past divorce. In Part 2, I’m here to take you deeper into the process and provide some helpful hints and tips so you can set...

Setting Goals: The Road to Success After Divorce
By Tara Eisenhard “If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”- Yogi Berra Divorce can bring a period of darkness and confusion. It’s not uncommon for people to feel lost in the process of decisions, division and disconnection. And while...