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A Simple But Powerful Meditation to Help You Heal During and After Divorce
By Lisa Gabardi, Ph.D. Why meditation? Divorce is stressful. You may feel sad, confused, angry, broken hearted, agitated, defensive, and scared. You may have trouble sleeping and concentrating. You might be overwhelmed. You might have a hard time keeping your cool and...

Opposites Attract But Don’t Usually Stay Together
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Is it possible for opposites to achieve long-lasting love? This is an age old question that peaks my interest for many reasons both personally and professionally. From the time I started dating, I’ve often found myself attracted to my...

Parental Alienation After Divorce: Never Take It Out on The Kids!
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT Divorce conflicts between parents can get ugly. And too often parents tend to vent or share this anger about the other parent with one or more of the children involved. The results can be devastating – not only for the “target” parent, but for...

8 Steps to Reclaiming Your Life After Divorce
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Let’s be honest, a divorce can shake your foundation and make you question your own judgment. You might find yourself second-guessing yourself because the breakup of a marriage can alter your sense of self, belief about safety and...

A Mother’s Day Reflection: 6 Lessons I Learned From My Daughter
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Mother’s Day is a perfect time to reflect on how my divorce changed my relationship with my daughter. When I was a young teenager, I used to make lists of the things that I would teach a daughter – if I was lucky enough to have one. Since...

How To Stop The Cycle Of Toxic Relationships For Good
By Kristin Davin, Psy.D. Few people make it through life without experiencing at least one toxic relationship. That’s probably because they often develop so insidiously that you’re not even aware of how bad things are until they’re, well, pretty bad. And even then,...

Blended Family Success Strategies for Parents & Kids!
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT There are twenty million blended families in the United States alone. That number has doubled over the past ten years. Some project that blended families will become the norm, or at least a majority, within the next decade. Regardless of the...

7 Things To Consider Before Entering A Rebound Relationship
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Getting involved in a rebound relationship is a risky proposition. If you’re feeling lonely after a divorce, it’s easy to fall for someone before you’re truly ready to begin dating again. So it makes sense to explore the reasons why...

Divorce and Estrangement: What To Try When You And Your Adult Child Don’t Get Along
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW An interview of Joshua Coleman Ph.D., by Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW on February 5, 2015 Joshua Coleman, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert in parenting, couples, families, and relationships. His advice has been featured in the...

5 Ways To Get Past Your Breakup
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW When a romantic relationship or marriage ends, it’s natural to experience feelings of rejection, anger, sadness, guilt, or regret. Self-defeating thoughts can grab hold because you’re vulnerable and trying to make sense of things. However,...