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Do You Dare To Take Stock Of Your Relationship?
By Tracy Clifford "Fear can create a whole universe of disinformation. And want -- well, want rearranges the world entirely." - F. Jay Deacon What is the truth in your relationship? That might seem like a lofty question. The truth? One truth? It's a tough question to...

Is He The One I Should Commit To?
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Dear Terry, I’ve been dating Brian for two years and still feel uncertain about whether he’s the one for me. He’s ready to take the next step and move in together and wants to get married eventually, but I’m just not sure. We both come...

How To Trust Your Own Judgment In Relationships
By Tracy Clifford I can say this with certainty: There is not one person on this planet that hasn’t made mistakes when it comes to relationships. What I can also say with certainty is that some make more mistakes than others. Another way of saying that you make...

6 Ways Pets Can Help Families Through Divorce
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT Can a pet be helpful to your children during a divorce and the transition after? Without a doubt! If your family has one or more pets, let your children have access to them as much as they desire. There is a great emotional benefit to your...

5 Voices Of Divorce
We all know about The Five Love Languages, but do you know about the five voices of divorce? You may not refer to them by name, but if you have faced the end of a relationship, you have certainly heard their call. Unlike the gentle languages of love, the voices of...

Marriage Counseling: Can It Save A Marriage On The Brink?
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Dear Terry, Rick and I have been married for eight years and things are going downhill. I’ve tried everything to make things work but nothing seems to be helping. There were a lot of red flags when we were dating but I ignored them because...

5 Ways To Stop Settling For Less Than You Deserve In A Relationship
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Dear Terry, Ryan and I have been dating for over eight years and we don’t seem to be moving any closer to a commitment. It feels like I’m spinning my wheels and growing more and more dissatisfied every day with being in a state of limbo....

6 Tips To Bring Back Love And Passion To Your Marriage
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Dear Terry, I’ve been married to Bruce for eight years and I’m worried because we’ve lost the passion and excitement we used to have. It seems like there’s something missing in our relationship and I don’t know how to get it back. It’s not...

Surviving a Narcissistic Partner: Should You Stay Or Should You Go?
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Dear Terry, I’m definitely a “Fixer” and I married Tim knowing that he was controlling and self-centered. But I just never realized how hard it would be to live with someone who is so arrogant and insensitive to my feelings. I’ve been with...

How Do I Know If My Partner Is A Narcissist?
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Recently, I received the following e-mail from Haley, a 32 year old woman who is in a great deal of emotional pain and turmoil in her marriage with Eric, who she fears is a narcissist (fictitious names). Dear Terry, I don’t know how come I...