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8 Conversations to Have With Your Partner
By Susan Scott, Fierce Inc. Founder, and bestselling author When you’re finally ready to dive into your next relationship, remember that conversation is a driving factor to its success- whether you are expressing gratitude, giving feedback, or apologizing. The...

The Narcissistic Parent
A narcissistic parent behaves as they imagine themselves to be—the king or queen of the family, or someone whose activities are more important than being part of the family. As a child, your parents are your world until you’re able to leave home. Your survival and...

Relationship “Gridlock” and How to Conquer It
By Terry Gaspard, LICSW What can you do to improve your marriage or relationship when you struggle to manage arguments and feel you’re stuck in a negative pattern of relating? While this is a common problem, the solutions are far from ordinary. During a recent couples...

8 Key Ways We Derail Love
By Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT Although we seek love, we may unwittingly damage or derail it. Surprisingly, our fear of not being loved, which includes fear of abandonment, loneliness, and rejection, can lead to eight common behaviors that sabotage love and...

How To Create a More Amicable, Low-Conflict Divorce!
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Anyone going through divorce knows it inevitably stirs up charged emotions -- some anticipated and others unexpected. And when children are involved, the process is exponentially more complex and challenging. One of the biggest battlegrounds...

12 Tips to Self-Love and Compassion
By Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT The idea of self-love and self-nurturing baffles most people, especially codependents, who by and large, received inadequate parenting. The word “nurture” comes from the Latin nutritus, meaning to suckle and nourish. It also means to...

10 Ways Technology Can Negatively Impact Your Relationships
By Terry Gaspard, LICSW As technology plays an increasingly integral role in our lives, the paradox at the heart of constantly “being connected” is becoming clearer every day. Indeed, with the rise of smart phones and the proliferation of social media, we’re...

How Mistrust Can Destroy a Marriage and What to Do About It
By Terry Gaspard Trust and intimacy form the foundation of a lasting marriage. When couples bring baggage such as infidelity or trauma from the past, it can set the stage for mistrust. That’s why it’s crucial that you allow yourself to be vulnerable and discuss...

Opposites Attract But Can They Stay Together?
By Terry Gaspard, LICSW From the time I started dating at age sixteen, I’ve often found myself attracted to my polar opposite – for better and for worse. Likewise, I’ve counseled many couples who are drawn to their opposite because of strong chemistry but find day to...

6 Ways to Make Small Gestures Count in Your Marriage
By Terry Gaspard, LICSW If you think you need grand gestures to show your spouse love you may be mistaken. In fact, many studies speak to the fact that the secret to long-lasting love are small gestures such as cooking your partner a meal or cleaning up afterwards...