6 Things to Consider When Exchanging Your Child
Link: http://wp.me/p2YXNy-ab
Divorce or separation forces you to develop new patterns in many areas of your life, including parenting. Regardless of your relationship with your ex-partner, most parents want what’s best for their child. Yes it is likely, even normal, to get caught up in your own emotions or personal circumstances. But at the end of the day, your child’s adjustment depends on your ability to put the needs of your child first. This article highlights 6 important things to consider when exchanging your child. Following these ideas can help them adjust and create smooth and healthy transitions.
Shelly D. Mahon
Program Director: Apart, Not Broken: Learn, Connect & Create!
URL: www.DivorcedDadInstitute.com
Blog: www.DivorcedDadInstitute.com/newsletter
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/apartnotbrokenlearnconnectcreate
Email: [email protected]
Shelly D. Mahon, Ph.D. Candidate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison
and Program Director for Apart, Not Broken: Learn, Connect, & Create! You
can sign up to take advantage of her free, online, multi-media program to help
fathers adjust and parent after divorce or separation at www.DivorcedDadInstitute.com. You can access additional information or follow her blog atwww.DivorcedDadInstitute.com/newsletter(http://www.DivorcedDadInstitute.com/newsletter), or contact her at [email protected]. Shelly also has 20 years experience working with youth and families and is committed to families that work, regardless of family structure.
Shelly Mahon
website: www.divorceddadinstitute.com; shellydmahon.wordpress.com
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Human Development and Family Studies
1305 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1575