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10 Ways to Steer Clear of Partners Who Are Wrong for You
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Many people who are in unhealthy relationships ask themselves “Why do I attract partners who are all wrong for me?” Or, “How can I be sure to recognize destructive patterns in relationships and take steps to change them?” Claire, a client...

3 Things You Must Do After Your Divorce
Divorce is scary, overwhelming, and challenging. People often panic right after their divorce is finalized because they are officially back on the market and back to being a individual instead of part of a couple. I understand that starting a new chapter is highly...

One Dad’s Remarriage Journey
By Tommy Maloney In 2008 I found myself getting divorced after a 6 year marriage. I was well aware of the problems my former wife and I were having. Even the couples therapist was shocked that we were ending the marriage. She was “shocked?” My first priority was to my...

10 Reasons Marriage Can Be Better the Second Time Around
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW How can couples avoid the pitfalls that prevent the success of a second marriage? The key ingredients to a successful remarriage are selecting a partner who is a good match for you and both partners willingness to work through the...

5 Ways to Know Your Kids Are Adapting Well to Your Divorce
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC As a divorced parent you owe it to your children to diligently watch their behavior, listen to their conversations and be aware of any changes that may be due to challenges related to the divorce. Children can adapt well to life after divorce....

Sharing Custody: How to Keep Kids Comfortable
By Amanda Lin Having two places to call home can cause confusion and be a major adjustment to children. This is especially true when a family is going through a separation or divorce. Sharing custody and moving into a new household can severely change a child’s...

Divorce Report 2018: The Human Side
We all know the divorce rate is high, though it’s thankfully not as high as the 50% we often hear. It’s actually lower but the exact number varies depending on the study. Since divorce is still a common problem and grey divorce (among people over age 50) is on the...

Why Divorce is so Hard on Children
To many parents seeking divorce, the final divorce decree can be a very welcome relief from stress and anxiety. The divorce process often emphasizes tension between spouses, and the hassle of attending court hearings or lawyer meetings can cause significant fissures...

7 Steps to Forgiving Your Ex Once and For All
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Forgiving others and yourself is infinitely terrifying yet necessary for achieving healthy relationships. It’s about being willing to acknowledge that you are capable of being wounded and able to risk exposing yourself. It also means that...

“The Talk”: A Caring and Confident Approach to Telling the Kids About Your Plan to Separate or Divorce
Lisa Gabardi, Ph.D., LLC Sharing the news with your children that you and their other parent are divorcing, moving into two homes, and living separately can create great angst and worry. What to say? What not to say? As parents, you want to protect your children from...