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Can Taking a Break from My Partner Bring Back Love and Happiness?
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Dear Terry, I’m a fan of your blogs and have come to the conclusion that my husband of fifteen years and I are at a stalemate. Honestly, he’s a great guy but we just have tough chemistry. Our pattern is quite destructive and hard to break....

10 Things I Owe My Kids After Divorce
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW It may seem odd that I feel compelled to write about what I owe my kids because they’ve endured my divorce. Yet as an adult child of divorced parents and a mom who has been divorced, it’s my belief that children of divorce are entitled to...

Helping Divorced Parents Cope With Conflicting Lifestyles
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC As a Divorce & Parenting Coach I continually get asked questions from concerned parents. One of the questions recently sent to me focused on an issue that many divorced parents face with mounting frustration. It had to do with this woman’s...

7 Smart Ways To Deal With Jealous Feelings
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Establishing and maintaining trust with your partner can be a huge challenge if you’re a prone towards jealous feelings. There are many reasons why you might experience jealousy including past betrayals, insecurity, and fear of losing...

5 Reasons Why It’s Not A Good Idea To Keep Secrets
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW When people keep secrets from their partner they often rationalize their behavior to themselves and others. Usually, they lack confidence in their ability to confront unpleasant topics – such as money troubles, or issues related to past...

Graduations, Weddings, and a Future Vision for Your Co-Parenting Relationship
By Lisa Gabardi P.h.D. In a few short weeks my youngest child will graduate high school. It will mark the end of an era. As he transitions off to college I will transition to an “empty nest.” At this same time in the life of our big, blended two-home family, my eldest...

Divorced Parents: Are You “Guilting” Your Kids For Loving Their Other Parent?
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC We all know that one of the biggest divorced parent “don’ts” is putting down or disrespecting your children’s other parent to them. Clearly, while it’s tempting to badmouth Mom or Dad for the way they’ve hurt you in the marriage, venting to...

7 Tips To Rev Up Passion After The Kids Come
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW While it’s expected that intimacy will die down after a child arrives on the scene, if you make your relationship a priority, it doesn’t have to take a huge dip. After a baby arrives, parents need to adjust to the emotional and physical...

Moms – Parenting Yourself Is Essential For Being A Better Divorced Parent
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Mother’s Day can be a highly emotional time for a divorced mom. That’s because divorce is a life-altering experience that takes its toll on your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Its ramifications not only turn your own world upside...

Should I Take a Chance on Love and Make a Commitment?
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Are young adults abandoning commitment all together? No exactly but over the last fifty years, there has been a quiet shift in the landscape of family life in America. Approximately 50 percent of adults over age eighteen marry; this number...