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Relationship As A Spiritual Path
A relationship can be an exciting path to the unknown. It offers an ever-present opportunity to grow―a path to spiritual transformation and mutual discovery and ultimately the divine when partners open to one another. The concept of spirituality derives from...

Grandchildren Benefit From Grandparent Support During & After Divorce!
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC When divorce with children takes place grandparents often get caught in the emotional turmoil and drama. Many grandparents are eager to help in any way they can. However they often don’t know how they fit in the equation, especially when it...

10 Warning Signs Your Marriage Is in Serious Trouble
By Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW The most common complaint of couples today is that they’ve fallen out of love. However, falling out of love usually doesn’t occur overnight. Likewise, relationship repair takes time and effort on the part of both partners and includes...

A Lawyer’s Tips for Keeping Your Divorce Records Private
Unless your last name ends in the word “Kardashian” you’re probably not a big fan of making a public scandal out of your private life. Like it or not, though, your divorce records will be public. Because of that, it’s worth investing some time and energy into making...

9 Red Flags That Tell You Your Relationship Might Be Over
Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW After decades of being a therapist and lover of self-help books, I've come to realize that red flags usually appear fairly early on in failed relationships. For instance, most couples report that their relationship problems didn't surface...

What is Codependency?
By Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT Codependency is sneaky and powerful. You may not be aware that it’s the root cause of your problems. Focusing thinking and behavior around someone else is a sign of codependency. We react to something external, rather than our own internal...

7 Ways Women Can Build Trust in Relationships
Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW Recently, there has been a gush of articles in the media about a common problem in romantic relationships: mistrust between partners that erodes positive feelings and love. While it’s not uncommon for people to worry that their partner has...

Divorced Moms – Parent Yourself First To Be A Better Parent
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC It’s that time of year again when all mothers feel the connection with their children. Often they reflect and wonder whether they are being the best they can be for the kids they love. Since none of us are perfect, Mother’s Day can be a highly...

Signs You’re Holding On When It’s Time to Let Go
Letting go is hard. Damned hard. I first learned this as a young child, exploring my grandmother's basement, packed to the ceiling with carefully labeled and organized items as though she was preparing to seek refuge from the apocalypse. Which, in many ways, she was....

Narcissists’ and Abusers’ Lethal Weapon Targeting Empaths: Projection
Projection is a defense mechanism commonly used by abusers, including people with narcissistic or borderline personality disorder and addicts. Basically, they say, “It’s not me, it’s you!” When we project, we’re defending ourselves against unconscious impulses or...